The lectures cover partial differential equations (by Prof. Dr. Michael Günther), molecular dynamics (by Prof. Dr. Reinhard Hentschke), iterative solvers (by Dr. Karsten Kahl), Monte Carlo algorithms (by Dr. Graham Moir), communication avoiding algorithms (by Prof. Dr. Bruno Lang) and asynchronous iterations (by Prof. Dr. Andreas Frommer).
HPC-LEAP is a network that involves several European Universities and Research Institutes and industrial Partners. Its speciality is the award of a joint Ph.D. degree by two Universities. The HPC-LEAP fellows do their research at the respective two Universities and at secondment places. The research fields are HPC architectures and technologies, modelling and algorithms, turbulent flows, lattice quantum chromodynamics and computational biology. Eight HPC-LEAP fellows are enrolled in Wuppertal.
Prof. Dr. Francesco Knechtli
University of Wuppertal